The cherries were ripe earlier in the summer, but I won't forget the magical afternoon my family and I spent under my parents' cherry tree in Wisconsin. Even with the birds having a feast, there were plenty of bright red tart cherries to make pies and cobbler. Yum!
My son, the tree climber, shimmied up high into the branches as my mother and I half-heartedly chided him to come down. Another son used a ladder to reach the juiciest fruits. The birds chattered overheard, scolding us to get away from their giant buffet. We ignored them, chattering amongst ourselves as 3 generations filled their buckets with the plentiful yield.
If I took a picture today of what my harvest looks like, it would be a virtual field of kale. I have so much kale in my back yard garden! But I couldn't resist this shot of the bright red cherries for Day 8 of the 30 Day Holiday Photo Challenge.
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